Lately, I’ve been on a self enforced sabbatical (quit my last job and haven’t pushed to get a job anywhere). With time on hand, I’m infatuated with Golang and concurrency in general. I’ve beginner level experience in the language, which I aim to raise to professional level. I’m also lured towards Erlang and Rust, which are alternatives to Golang. I’ve been reading research on distributed system too, trying to understand how individual pieces can work together in a harmonious manner. Concurrency is going to occupy my headspace for a significant time.

On another front, I’m looking to contribute back to the developer community. Sometimes even to society in general. From my experience, there is a dearth of practical wisdom on software development in the community (heavily biased by my limited experience in India). The blog will be an attempt to expose more people in community to advice already present in various corners of the Internet. This will also serve as a motivation for me to push myself to explore new things. If someone ends up researching on a post topic for even 5 mins, my job with the post is achieved.